Sept | Oct 2023


Through its digital and print channels, we seek to inform, equip and inspire the Southwestern Union territory with the distinctive Adventist message of hope and wholeness. News and stories are gathered through collaboration with our ministry partners, the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference, Oklahoma Conference, Southwest Region Conference, Texas Conference, Texico Conference and Southwestern Adventist University. Our current channels include a bimonthly printed and digital magazine, website, eNewsletter and social media platforms.

Edition: Volume 122, No. 05


CORRALES, N.M. – Running, jumping, endless laughter and squeals of joy are just some of the wonderful sights and sounds of summer camp! On June 12, the Texico Conference was happy to officially kick off its newly-revamped summer program, “Camp Tex …

ALBUQUERQUE – With an expansive reach across the globe, Seventh-day Adventist churches, entities and members continue to spread the message of Revelation 14 to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, tongue, tribe and people. The Texico Co …

CORRALES, N.M. – Each year, the Southwestern Union recognizes excellence among its educators from the elementary and secondary levels and honors their outstanding contributions with the Excellence in Teaching Award. To qualify for this award, a teacher …

Sept | Oct 2023